A graduate of the Tajik State University, 1972 and candidate of history (Ph.D.) awarded in Moscow in 1983. More than forty-five years of experience in the study and teaching of the modern history of Central Asia with a focus on Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan. Since 1992, a policy analyst and independent consultant in international non-governmental research organizations involved in conflict resolution, conflict prevention, peace-building, civil society building, and education in Central Asia. Since 1994, an active participant in the international research exchange programs in the field of history and social sciences. Awards include Fulbright Scholar (1994, the George Washington University and 2005, Allegheny College, PA); Regional Exchange Scholar (1995, Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars); the British Academy visiting fellow (SOAS, 1996); Sumitomo Bank Visiting Fellow, Yale University (2001-2002); Visiting scholar at the University of Toronto (2009); Jennings Randolph Senior Fellow at the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) in 2010-2011; Visiting Research Fellow at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Crossroads Asia (2014) and others. Teaching modern Central Asian subjects from multidisciplinary perspectives at Yale, the Ohio State University from 2001-2013. Authoring and editing 11 books in English and Russian including Historical Dictionary of Tajikistan. Third Edition. Lanham-Toronto-Plymouth, UK: The Scarecrow Press Inc., 2018 and Ot Sintsiana do Khorasana. Iz Istorii Sredneaziatskoi Emigratsii 20 veka. (From Xinjiang to Khurasan. From the History of the 20th Century Central Asian Emigration). Dushanbe: Irfon, 2009, as well as about 90 articles in English, Russian, Tajik, and translated into French, Farsi, and Japan.
1967-1972 TAJIK STATE UNIVERSITY, Dushanbe, Historian, teacher of history
1976-1981 ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR, INSTITUTE OF THE HISTORY OF THE USSR, Moscow, Post Graduate or Ph.D. candidate (aspirantura)
1983 Candidate of History (awarded in Moscow)
• The Soviet Turkestan’s Newspapers as a Historical Source on the History of the Elimination of Basmachism. Dissertation
- Two-week Yale-Central Asia Seminar “Designing Institutions to Meet the Challenges of Democratic Governance”
2015 – 2017 RUSSIAN-TAJIK (SLAVONIC) UNIVERSITY, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, Associate Professor
- History of Russia and Central Asia
2003-2013 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, Columbus, OH, Visiting Lecturer
- “Central Asia in World Affairs: Introduction”
- “Nationalism in Post-Communist Russia & the Chechen War”
- “The Taliban: Struggle for Power in Modern Afghanistan”
2001-2002 YALE UNIVERSITY, New Haven, CT, Sumitomo Bank Fellow, visiting lecturer
- “Politics of Contemporary Central Asia”
- Security studies
Project Officer, Curriculum Development Specialist
- Project administration
- Curriculum development
- Modern History of Central Asia.
1989-1991 INSTITUTE OF POLITICAL RESEARCH, Dushanbe, head of the department of
Political science
- Political developments in modern Tajikistan
Dushanbe, research fellow
- National and Muslim movements in Central Asia 1918-1932
2020-present, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Tajik service Radio Ozodi columnist.
2018 American Foreign Policy Council’s World Almanac of Islamism. Updated and revised the chapter on Tajikistan for 2019.
- Summer Seminar on Nationalism, Religion, and Violence, Charles University in Prague.
2018 OSCE Academy in Bishkek. Supervised one MA thesis of a graduate student of the Politics and Security Programme.
2012 Provided editing and advising services for International Peacemaking in Civil War: Negotiation and Mediation in Tajikistan, 1993–1997, book by Tetsuro Iji in the International Negotiation Series of Republic of Letters, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) Beppu, Japan.
2012 Consultation Services for Centre for Humanitarian dialogue, Geneve, Switzerland
2002, 2004 Data collection, research, writing. Strategic Conflict Assessment and Peace Building Framework, Tajikistan Interdepartmental Global Conflict Prevention Pool (GCPP), Department for International Development (DFID), UK. In co-authorship with Sabine Frasier. Dushanbe.
2000 – 2002 Research and comment on draft versions, review draft text and general quality of manuscripts for the European Centre for Conflict Prevention, Regional Programme on Prevention and Management of Violent Conflicts in Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, London UK.
2000 – 2001 Designed the concept, commissioned authors; provided writing, editing, and translating services for Conciliation Resources in its Accord 10: Politics of compromise: the Tajikistan peace process project, Dushanbe, London UK.
1997 – 1999 Administered a group of international educationalists from Central Asian countries, as well as the U.S., UK, Canada, and Pakistan developing a curriculum on humanities for all undergraduates of Central Asia, Aga Khan Humanities Project, Dushanbe.
1996 – 2010 Participated in discussions, conferences, article writing as a member of the International Advisory Council of the Toda Institute for Peace and Policy Research. Washington DC, Honolulu, and Dushanbe.
1994 – 1996 In team designed concept for an international project on legal reform in Central Asia for the Central Asia Research and Development Center (CARDC), the George Washington University, Dushanbe, Washington DC.
1992 – 1994 Monitored and analyzed the conflict in Tajikistan in collaboration with the Russian Center for Strategic Research and International Studies, Moscow.
1992 – 1995 Helped to set up the inter-Tajik peace dialogue in the framework of Dartmouth Conference organized by the Kettering Foundation and the Russian Center for Strategic Research and International Studies. Dushanbe, Moscow.
2014 HUMBOLDT UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN, Crossroads Asia. Visiting Research Fellow.
2010-2011 UNITED STATES INSTITUTE OF PEACE, Washington, DC, Jennings Randolph Senior Fellow
- The Afghanistan-Pakistan Conflict and its Impact on Central Asia
2009 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, Canada, Visiting scholar
- Islamic movements in contemporary Tajikistan
2005 ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, Meadville PA, Fulbright Scholar “Direct Access to the Muslim World”
• Co-teaching courses on Islam and security in Central Asia
2001-2003 INTAS (European Union) joint research project INTAS Open Call 2001, Tajikistan
• Opposition as Consolidation Factor: A Comparative Study of Armenia, Russia,
Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
2001-2002 YALE UNIVERSITY, New Haven, CT, Sumitomo Bank Fellow
• National and Muslim Movements in the 20th Century Central Asia
1999-2001 SOROS FOUNDATION, Tajikistan
Individual research grant, RSS Open Society Support Foundation.
• Historical Roots of the Conflict in Tajikistan
British Academy Visiting Fellow
• History of Central Asian emigration
Regional Exchange Scholar
• History of Central Asian emigration
1994 GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, Washington DC, Fulbright Scholar
• History of Central Asian emigration
Fluent in Russian, Tajik, and English. Good in Farsi-Dari, and Uzbek.
- “Turan-Name” magazine. Editorial board
- Tajikistan Commission for Attestation, member
- International Advisory Council of the Toda Institute for Peace and Policy Research, member.
- Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS), Harvard University, member
- Nowruz Commission (, Washington DC, member of the board of directors
2019 November. «Syrdarya Prison», presentation at the conference Central Asia in lives of war prisoners and repressed Austrians (1914-1956). Almaty Kazakhstan
2018 October 100 years since the end of World War I. A View from Central Asia.
Oral History in Local and Foreign Practice; Method, Source and Cultural-Educational Technologies. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Central Asian Branch. Tashkent, Uzbekistan
2017 April Between Self-Control and Spontaneity: Tajik Academics’ Search for Freedom presentation at Academic Freedom in Post-Soviet Countries. A workshop in partnership with The Harriman Institute and Scholars at Risk, New York.
2016 October Post-Communist Transition in Tajikistan presentation at the conference organized by the OSCE Academy in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan): “Post-Communism 25+: Reflections on Social, Economic & Political Transitions” Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan.
2016 September. Presentation Tajikistan on the Silk Road at “The Silk Road Talks: Unity and Development” International forum of intellectuals, Taldy-Kurgan, Kazakhstan
2016 March. Impact of peace in Afghanistan to regional security presentation at the international symposium “Road Map for Peace in Afghanistan”. Kabul, Afghanistan
2015 May Presentation Beyond Cultural Identity: Reflections on the Study of Central Asian Games and Toys, at the “International congress of children games and toys of the Turkic world.” Eskisehir, Turkey.
2015 April Presentation Mobility and translocality in Central Asia of the early Soviet period at the «Translocality: Methodological aspects and ethnographical studies” conference organized by the Humboldt University of Berlin and the American University of Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
2014 December Countering radicalization in Central Asia and Afghanistan: Tajikistan perspective presentation at «Afghanistan-Central Asia Dialogue-II” Kabul, Afghanistan.
2014 November The Protest Movement and Political Change in Tajikistan at the “Protest and State in Eurasia and South Asia” conference, Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata, India.
2014 August Low Politics: Prospects for a New Silk Road presentation at NATO Advanced Research Workshop “Pakistan, NATO, and South Asia: Post-2014 Regional Security Through Partnership”, Islamabad, Pakistan.
2011 May Exiles of Bolshevism: Hijrat in Early Soviet Central Asia presentation at “Central Asia in the World of Islam” international workshop, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
2010 April Chairing panel on Central Asia. “Midwest Slavic Conference”. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
2009 December The Impact of the Afghan war on Tajikistan presentation at “Drug Problem in Afghanistan and the Role of the Neighboring countries” DGAP conference. Berlin, Germany.
2008 July The Impact of the Conflict in Afghanistan on Tajikistan presentation at “Afghanistan’s Other Neighbors: Iran, Central Asia and China” international conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
2008 June Afghanistan, SCO, Security, and geopolitics of Central Eurasia, Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan
2008 April Chairing panel on Central Asia. Midwest Slavic Conference. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
2007 April Chairing panel on Central Asia. Midwest Slavic Conference. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
2006 December The war in Afghanistan: Impact of Tajikistan, presentation at the international conference “Afghanistan and Regional Security: Five Years after Taliban” Dushanbe, Tajikistan
2006 December The Tajik Peace Process presentation at the international conference “Conflicts, Conflict Resolution and Natural Resources in the Middle East. Tehran University, Iran
2006 October National and Muslim Movements in Tajikistan presentation at “Re-thinking History of Central Asia” workshop, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
2006 September Tajikistan: security problems “XVI Economic Forum”, Krynica, Poland
2004 October Islam and Politics in Central Asia, Bilim Center’s conference, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2004 September Conflict resolution in Tajikistan. Summer Academy on “Formal and Informal Means of Conflict Prevention and Resolution”, Max Plank Institute, Bamberg, Germany.
2003 September Reconstruction of Afghanistan: A View from Tajikistan PRIO Conference “Regional Aspects of Reconstruction of Afghanistan”, Bergen, Norway.
2003 February The Tajik Peace process: A Failure or Success? Presentation at the “Central Asia, Global Terrorism and Asia-Pacific Security” conference, Center for Security Studies, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
2003 February “Tajikistan after September 11: Challenges and Opportunities” talk at the Center for Slavic and East European Studies, the Ohio State University
2003 February “Warlordism in Central Asia.” Talk at the Mershon Center, the Ohio State University.
2003 July Education for Security and Defense in Tajikistan presentation at the Atlantic Treaty Association conference “Education for Security and Defense”, Bucharest, Romania.
2002 September The Civil War and Civil Peace: the Case of Tajikistan presentation at “The Silk Road in the 21st Century Security and Insecurity in Central Asia and the Caucasus: A Regional Challenge With Global Implications conference.” Yale University, New Haven CT.
2002 September Tajikistan and Post-Conflict Afghanistan, presentation at “Afghanistan: Post-conflict Reconstruction, Development, Migration and Displacement” consultation at the Migration Policy Institute, the United Nations Foundation, and New York University Center for International Cooperation. Washington DC.
2003 June Cooperating for Peace Security in Central Asia presentation at “Dialogue of Civilizations for World Citizenship,” Dialogue Institute, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada
2002 June From Cooperation in War to Cooperation in Peace presentation at the “Regional Approaches to the Reconstruction of Afghanistan”. Center on International Cooperation (CIC), Turkish Foundation for Social and Economic Research (TESEV), Istanbul, Turkey.
2002 May “Political Profile of Today’s Muslim Central Asia “Talk at Ohio State University. Columbus, OH, USA.
2002 May “Assessing Tajikistan Political Experience” Talk at the Central Asia Forum, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, USA.
2002 March Democratization and Regional Conflicts in Western Asia presentation at “GRAD Planning Conference Democratization in the Context of Global and Regional Conflicts, ” Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research, University of Hawaii. Magdalene College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
2002 April Including Islamists in Legal Politics: Assessment of the Tajik Model, presentation at the “Ninth Annual Central Eurasian Studies Conference”, Indiana University, Bloomington, IA, USA.
2002 March Prospects for Lasting Peace in Tajikistan Presentation at “Conflict Prevention in Central Asia. The Role of OSCE” Roundtable Seminar, European Centre for Conflict Prevention and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, the Netherlands.
2002 January Repressing Central Asian Islamic Activism: A Problem or Solution? Presentation at the workshop “Central Asia: Politics, Economics, and Religion. Should the USA Care? ”, Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, Washington DC, USA.
2002 February “Draining Swamps and Uprooting Woods: or How to Deal With Islamic Political Activism in Central Asia?” Invited talk at the Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA.
2002 March Democratization and Regional Conflicts in Western Asia presentation at GRAD “Planning Conference Democratization in the Context of Global and Regional Conflicts”, Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research, University of Hawaii. Magdalene College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
2000 July “The Tajik-Afghan Relations” Invited talk. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Washington DC.
2002 September Tajikistan’s Political Know-How or How to Deal with Political Islam in Central Asia presentation at the “Central Asia ESCAS Conference,” Bordeaux University, France.
2002 June From Cooperation in War to Cooperation in Peace presentation at the “Regional Approaches to the Reconstruction of Afghanistan.” Center on International Cooperation (CIC), Turkish Foundation for Social and Economic Research (TESEV) with the Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum (CPPF), Istanbul, Turkey.
2002 April Including Islamists in Legal Politics: Assessment of the Tajik Model, presentation at the “Ninth Annual Central Eurasian Studies Conference”, Indiana University, Bloomington, IA.
2002 May “Assessing Tajikistan Political Experience” Talk at the Central Asia Forum, Harvard University, Cambridge MA.
2002 May “Political Profile of Today’s Muslim Central Asia” talk at Ohio State University. Columbus, OH.
2000 December The Tajikistan Peace Process presentation at “Conflict Prevention in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan” facilitated Roundtable Seminar, European Centre for Conflict Prevention, London, UK
1998 April On Aga Khan Humanities Project for Central Asia presentation at “Fourth Annual Conference Core Text Education: Knowledge, Action, Creation? ” The Association for Core Texts and Courses (ACTC), University of North Carolina, Asheville, NC, USA.
1995 April “Central Asian Refugees: A Historical Retrospective (1918-1932)” talk at the Inner Asia and Uralic National Resource Center, Indiana University, Bloomington IA.
1995 May “The Contemporary Religious and Political Situation in Tajikistan,” talk at the Russian Research Center, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, USA.
1995 May “Refugees and Opposition in Tajikistan” Invited talk. Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, USA.
1994 March The Political and Social History of the Central Asian Emigration in the Post-Revolutionary Period (1918-1931) presentation at “Central Asia and Azerbaijan: From the Czarist Rule to Independent State,” conference, the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
1994 April “Prospect for Peace in Tajikistan”. Invited talk at the East-West Center, the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Honolulu, Hawaii.
2001 July Tajikistan: Achievements, Challenges, and Prospects round table. The Centre for Strategic Research under the President of Tajikistan (Dushanbe), the Royal Institute of International Affairs (London). Dushanbe, Tajikistan
2001 April Peacebuilding and Civic Education in Tajikistan, Tajikistan Center for Citizenship Education, Conciliation Resources. Dushanbe, Tajikistan
1995 November Legal Aspects of Privatization, Central Asia Research & Development Center, Tajik Young Lawyers Association, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
1995 June Constitutional Development in Tajikistan and the United States, American Legal Consortium, Central Asia Research & Development Center, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
2013 “It is going to be a mistake to ban the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan (IRPT)”. Asia-Plus, #70, September 19, 2013.
2012 “Repairing Broken Tajik-Uzbek Relationship” IWPR, January 24, 2012.
- “From the History of the Tajikistan-Afghanistan Relations” Voice of America, Central Asia Section.
POPULAR LECTURES ON YOUTUBE (Doroga Liudei production. Almaty, Kazakhstan)
- Basmachi, kto oni? (Who are the Basmachis?) April 26, 2018
- Tragediya poslednego Emira Bukhary (The Tragedy of the last Emir of Bukhara) May 26, 2018
- Mukhajry XX veka. Kuda delis’ Basmachi I Jadidy (The Muhajirs of the XX century. Where did Basmachis and Jadids go?) June 28, 2018.
2015-2017 THE RUSSIAN-TAJIK (SLAVONIC) UNIVERSITY, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
- History of Tajikistan and Central Asia
- “History of Central Asia since the 1860s”
- “Politics of Contemporary Central Asia”
- “Central Asia in World Affairs: Introduction”
- “Rediscovering the Silk Road Central Asia”
- “National and Muslim Movements in Contemporary Central Asia”
- “Nationalism in Post-Communist Russia & the Chechen War”
- “The Rise and Decline of the Taliban”
2001-2002 YALE UNIVERSITY, New Haven, CT
- “National and Muslim Movements in 20th Century Central Asia”
1976-2001 TAJIK STATE UNIVERSITY, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
- “Theory of Historiography and the Historical Sources Study”
- “History of the USSR”, “History of Tajikistan”
- “History of Modern Central Asia”
2007 May “On Central Asia”. The 2007 Great Decision series. Upper Arlington Senior Center, OH
2005 October-November “Islam and Muslims of Central Asia” Series of public lectures to the Allegheny, Meadville, PA community, including the Meadville Area Ministerial Association
2003 February “The Politics of Contemporary Central Asia.” World’s Hotspots, Ohio High School Teachers’ Educational Program, OSU, Columbus, OH
2001 November Adult education classes on “Islam and the Moslem World” given at the Church of the Redeemer, U.C.C. (United Church of Christ), New Haven, CT
Prominent Tajik Figures of the 20th Century (USA/Tajikistan Project)
- Historical Dictionary of Tajikistan. Third Edition. Lanham-Toronto-Plymouth, UK: The Scarecrow Press Inc., 2018.
- Another Jihad in Central Asia? The Conflict in Afghanistan and Pakistan and its Impact on Central Asia (electronic book)
- Historical Dictionary of Tajikistan, Second Edition. In co-authorship with Shahram Akbarzaheh. Lanham-Toronto-Plymouth, UK: The Scarecrow Press Inc., 2010.
- Ot Sintsiana do Khorasana. Iz Istorii Sredneaziatskoi Emigratsii 20 veka. (From Xinjiang to Khurasan. From the History of the 20th Century Central Asian Emigration). Dushanbe: Irfon, 2009.
- What Peace Five Years After the Signing of the Tajik Peace Agreement? Strategic Conflict Assessment and Peace Building Framework, Tajikistan. In co-authorship with Sabine Frasier. Brussels: The UK Government Global Conflict Prevention Pool. December 2003.
- Naskol’ko Prochen Mir v Tadzhikistane? Piat Let Spustia Posle Podpisania Soglashenia. Strategicheskaya Otsenka Konflikta i Osnovnye Napravlenia Mirnogo Stroitelstva v Tadzhikistane (Strategic Conflict Assessment and Peace Building Framework, Tajikistan). In co-authorship with Sabine Frasier. Interdepartmental Global Conflict Prevention Pool (GCPP), Department for International Development (DFID) Dushanbe, 2003.
- Politics of Compromise: The Tajikistan Peace Process. Ed. with Catherine Barnes. London: Conciliation Resources, 2001.
- Politika kompromissa. Mirny protsess v Tadzhikistane (Politics of Compromise: The Tajikistan Peace Process) Ed. with Catherine Barnes. London: Conciliation Recourses, 2001.
- Historical Dictionary of Tajikistan. With co-authorship of Shahram Akbarzadeh. The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Lanham, Md., & London, 2002.
- Oruzhiem Pechatnogo Slova (With the Weapon of the Printed Word). Dushanbe: Donish, 1989.
- Po Puti Velikogo Oktiabria (On the Way of the Great October). Ed. Dushanbe: Donish, 1988.
National and Muslim Movements in 20th Century Central Asia. Yale, 2001-2002
- “Turki v Vostochnoi Bukhare” (Turks in Eastern Bukhara) January 27, 2022
- “Snova (pan) Turkism? [(Pan) Turkism Again?]” January 1, 2022
- “Tajiksko-Afganskaya Granitsa: On Basmachei do Talibov” (Tajik-Afghan Border: From Basmachis to Talibs). August 31 and September 2, 2021.
- “Byl li Tajikistan Provintsei Kitaya” (Was Tajikistan a province of China?) February 20 and February 24, 2021.
- “Migratsia i Ethno-demograficheskoe razvitie c kontsa XIX-XXI vv.” (Migration and Ethno-Demographic Developments From the end of XIX-XXI centuries), Dubova N.A., Ubaidullo N. K., Madaminjanova Z. V. (reds.), Tajiks, Moscow, Nauka, 2021, 802-818.
- “Tajikistan”, Markus Porsche-Ludwig, Ying-Yu Chen (eds.), Handbook of Asian States: Geography – History – Culture – Politics – Economy, Part 2 LIT Verlag Münster, 2021, 651-667.
- “Snesti Nelzia Ostavit’ ‘Moskovskiy magazin.’ Zametki oв architekrurnom etose Tajikistana (To Move Away or Leave As it is. The notes about architectural Ethos of Tajikistan) April 23, 2021.
- Vot is Skazke konets (That is how the tale ends) March 19, 2021
- “Kto Khoziain na Pamire?” (Who is the Master of Pamir?) August 1, 2020
- “Avesti na Syrdaie i Amydarie, Avstrovengerskie voennoplennye v Tajikistane” (Avesti on Syrdarya and Amudarya. Austria-Hungarian War Prisoners in Tajikistan) December 15, 2020
- “Konflict vokrug Nagornogo Karabakha: Vzgliad iz Dushanbe” (The Conflict around Nagorno Karabakh: A View From Dushanbe December 6, 2020
- “Chto Sviazyvalo Tajikiskogo Korolia Afghanistana s Tajikskoy SSR?” (How Tajik King of Afghanistan Was Connected With Tajik SSR?) October 19, 2019.
- Tetsuro Iji. Multiparty Mediation in Violent Conflict: Peacemaking Diplomacy in the Tajikistan Civil War, Routledge Taylor & Francis, 2019. AP Expert №2, November 2019, book review.
- “Tajiks Iranians of the East”,, book review
- “Tajikistan”. The World Almanac of Islamism. American Foreign Policy Council.
- “Emigration within, across and beyond Central Asia in the Early Soviet Period from Prospective of Translocality”, Mobilities, Boundaries, and Travelling Ideas: Rethinking Translocality Beyond Central Asia and the Caucasus. Manja Stephan-Emmrich and Philipp Schröder (eds). Cambridge: Open Book Publishers. 2018, 61-89.
- “Examining Remnants of Soviet Policy on Religion in Central Asia”, Hélène Thibault, Transforming Tajikistan: State Building and Islam in Post-Soviet Central Asia (London: I. B. Tauris, 2018) Book Discussion, Central Asian Affairs 7 (2020): 293-305
- “The Protest Movement and Political Change in Tajikistan”, Priya Singh, Anita Sengupta, Suchandana Chatterjee (eds.) Protest and the State in Eurasia and West Asia. Delhi: KW Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2016, 19-31.
- “Russkie i Vosstanie v Sintsiane v pervoi treti 1930-kh gg. (Russians and the Rebellion in Xinjiang during the First Third of the 1930s) Corpus ID: 131999987, 2015.
- «K stoletiy vosstania v Sredney Azii: Zametki tadzhikskogo istorika (To 100 years of the Central Asian Rebellion) Iran Name № 3-4 (35-36), 2015, pp.305-320.
- “Beyond Cultural Identity: Reflections on the Study of Central Asian Games and Toys”International Congress of the Turkic World Children’s Games and Toys. Proceedings. Tam Metin. Bildiri Kitabi. Ankara 2015, pp. 448-449.
- “Antisovetskaya deyatel’nost sredneaziatskoy emigratsii v Afganistane v 1941-1944 g. (Anti-Soviet activities of Central Asian Emigration in Afghanistan from 1941-1944) Sohibhirad, collection of articles. Khujand: Me’roj, 2015. – pp. 176-181.
- « Turko-islamskaya respublika Vostochnyi Turkestan i sredneaziatskaya emigratsia” (Turco-Islamic Republic of Eastern Turkestan and Central Asia Emigration). Sohibhirad, collection of articles. Khujand: Me’roj, 2015. – pp.181-187.
- “Afganskaya missiya Muhammad Akbar Khana v Ferganu v 1919-1920 gg. (Afghan Mission of Muhammad Akbar Khan to Fefghana in 1919-1920) Vestnik Tadzhikskogo natsional’nogo universiteta, seria gumanitarnykh nauk №3/10(188), Dushanbe 2015. pp. 11-16.
- «Sredneaziatskaya emigratsiya v gody Vtoroi Mirovoy voyiny» (Central Asian Emigration during the World War II Velikaya Otechestvennaya voyina: istochniki i istoricheskie posledstvia pobedy. Collection of articles. Dushanbe, 2015 pp. 48-59.
- «O politicheskikh vzgladakh bukharskoy emeristskoy emigratsii» (On Political Outlooks of Bukharan Emirist Emigration) Vestnik RTSU, 2015, №2 (49) pp.133-139.
- «Ob uchastii Afganistana v basmacheskom dvizhenii v Tadzhikistane v 1922 g. » (On Afghan Participation in the Basmachi Movement in Tajikistan Vestnik Pedagogicheskogo Universiteta, № 4 (65), Dushanbe, 2015. pp. 252-256.
- «Zapadnaya istoriografia instorii sredneaziatskoy emigratsii posvevoennogo perioda » (Western Historiography of History of Central Asian Emigration of the Post-revolutionary Period) Vestnik Pedagogicheskogo Universiteta, № 3 (64), Dushanbe, 2015. pp. 124-129.
- «Anti-Sovetskaya deyatel’nost’ sredneaziatskoy emigratsii v Afganistane 1941-1945 gg.» (Anti-Soviet Activities of Central Asian Emigration in Afghanistan) Vestnik Pedagoicheskogo uviversiteta, № 4 (65), Dushanbe, 2015, pp.228-232.
- «Osnovnye istochniki izuchenia istorii sredneaziatskoy emigratsi rannego sovetskogo perioda» (Major Historical Sources for Study of Central Asian Emigration of the Early Soviet Period). Vestnik Tadzhikskogo natsional’nogo universiteta. Seria gumanitarnykh nauk №3/9 (184), Dushanbe 2015. pp. 7-12.
- «Nekotorye metodologicheskie problemy izuchenia istorii sredneaziatkoy emigratsii 1918-1934 gg.» (Some methodological problems of study of the history of Central Asian emigration 1918-1934) Vestnik Tadzhikskogo natsional’nogo universiteta, seria gumanitanykh nauk №3/8 (182), Dushanbe 2015, pp.102-108.
- «Afganistan i revolutsionnaya Sredniaya Azia” (Afghanistan and revolutionary Central Asia) Vestnik Tadzhikskogo natsional’nogo universiteta, seria gumanitanykh nauk №3/7 (179), Dushanbe 2015, pp. 25-28.
- Desiat’ tezisov o nenasilii v tadzhikskoy politike (Ten theses on non-violence in Tajik politics) Azia-Plus, June 8, 2013 See:
- “The Ferghana Valley Under Stalin, 1929-1953”, with Ravshan Nazarov. Ferghana Valley: The Heart of Central Asia Edited by: S. Frederick Starr. M. E. Sharpe, Inc., Armonk, New York, 2011.
- “Soviet Rule and the Delineation of Borders in the Ferghana Valley, 1917-1939”, with Sergey Abashin, Ravshan Abdullaev and Arslan Koichiev. Ferghana Valley: The Heart of Central Asia Edited by: S. Frederick Starr. M. E. Sharpe, Inc., Armonk, New York, 2011.
- “Emiristkaya I turkestanskaya emigratsiya v Gody Vtoroi Mirovoi Voiny” (The Emirist and Turkestani Emigration During the World War Two // Iran-Name №1-2(29-30), 2014. СС.374-398.
- «Conflict and Migration in the 20th Century Central Asia//Seria Otkrytykh lektsii, University of Central Asia , 2014. СС.114-131.
- “Tret’ya grazhdanskaya voina v Tadzhikistanr mozhet doiti do ulits Moskvy” (The Third Tajik Civil War may reach streets of Moscow) REGNUM: (Interview in Russian)
- “Ma Dzhunin –“Bol’shoi Kon’” i belye armii v vostavshem Sintsiane” (Ma Chuhg-ying – “Big Horse” and the White Armies in Mutinous Xinjiang).
- “Smert’ ‘letuchego gollandtsa Vostoka.” (The Death of “Flying Dutchman” of Orient)
- “Poslednii Mangyt” (The Last Manghyt).
- “Napoleon iz Lakaya” (Napoleon from Lokai) part 1
- “Napoleon iz Lakaya” (Napoleon from Lokai) part 2
- “Conflict Resolution in Tajikistan” Hans-Jorg Albrecht/Jan-Michael Simon/Hassan Rezaei/Holger-C. Rohne/Ernesto Kiza. Conflicts and Conflict Resolution in Middle Eastern Societies – Between Tradition and Modernity. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2006. 307-317.
- “Integrating Political Islam in Central Asia: The Tajik Experience”, Rouben Azizian and Elizabeth Van Wie Davis (eds.). Islam, Oil, and Geopolitics. Central Asia after September 11. Lanham Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2006, 61-77.
- “Emir Amanulla i Sovetskaya Srednyaya Azia” (Emir Amanullah and Soviet Central Asia) Afganistan i Bezopasnost’ Tsentralnoy Azii, vypusk 2. Bishkek: Ilim, 2005. 59-81.
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