Tajikistan: Bibliography
This bibliography includes important sources in Russian and Tajik that may be of interest to those students of Tajikistan, who are familiar with these languages. Surely, the following bibliography is not comprehensive. Its aim is to encourage readers’ aspiration for further reading of the literature on Tajiks and Tajikistan.
Belan, V. G. Tajikistan v literature na inostrannykh yazykakh, 1961–65 (Tajikistan in foreign-language literature). Dushanbe: Biblioteka Firdawsi, 1969.
———. Tajikistan v literature na inostrannykh yazykakh, 1966–70 (Tajikistan in foreign-language literature). Pts. 1–2. Dushanbe: Biblioteka Firdawsi, 1972.
———. Tajikistan v literature na inostrannykh yazykakh, 1971–75 (Tajikistan in foreign-language literature). Pts. 1–3. Dushanbe: Biblioteka Firdawsi, 1978.
———. Tajikistan v literature na inostrannykh yazykakh, 1976–80 (Tajikistan in foreign-language literature). Pts. 1–3. Dushanbe: Biblioteka Firdawsi, 1983.
Bibliography of Central Asia Studies in Japan, 1879–1987. 2 vols. Tokyo: Toyo Bunko, 1989.
Stavisky, D. I., B. I. Vainberg, N. G. Gorbunova, and E. A. Novgorodova. Soviet Central Asian Archeology and the Kushan Problem: An Annotated Bibliography. Moscow: Nauka, 1968.
Republic of Tajikistan. Human Development Report 1995. Dushanbe: UNDP, 1995.
———. Human Development Report 1996. Dushanbe: UNDP, 1996.
———. Human Development Report 1997. Dushanbe: UNDP, 1997.
———. Human Development Report 1998. Dushanbe: UNDP, 1998.
———. Human Development Report 1999. Dushanbe: UNDP, 1999.
———.Human Development Report 2001-2002. Information and Communications Technology for Development, Dushanbe: UNDP, 2002
———. Human Development Report 2003 Tapping the Potential Improving water management in Tajikistan, Dushanbe: UNDP, 2003.
Chislennost’ naselenia Respubliki Tadzhikistana (Population of the republic of Tajikistan). Dushanbe: Gosudarstvennoye statisticheskoye agenstvo pri pravitel’stve Respubliki Tadzhikistan.1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004.
Chislennost’ naseleniya soyuznykh respublik po gorodskim poseleniyam i rayonam (Size of the Population of the Union Republics by Urban Settlement and District). Moscow: Informatsionno-izdatel’skiy tsentr Goskomstata SSSR, 1991.
Demograficheskiy ezhegodnik SSSR 1990 (Demographic Yearbook of the USSR 1990). Moscow: Finansy i statistika, 1990.
Ezhegondnik Respubliki Tadzhikistan 2003 (The Yearbook of the Republic of Tajikistan 2003) Dushanbe: Gosudarstvennoye statisticheskoye agenstvo pri pravitel’stve Respubliki Tadzhikistan, 2003.
Gendernaya statistika v Respublike Tadzhikistan (The gender statistic in the Republic of Tajikistan). Dushanbe: Gosudarstvennoye statisticheskoye agenstvo pri pravitel’stve Respubliki Tadzhikistan, 1999.
Living Standard of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan (on the Basis of the Findings of the Survey of the Randomly Selected Households): 1999 Statistical Data Collection. Dushanbe: Gosudarstvennoye statisticheskoye agenstvo pri pravitel’stve Respubliki Tadzhikistan, 1999.
Promyshlenost’ Respubliki Tadzhikistan (The industry of the Republic of Tajikistan). Dushanbe: Gosudarstvennoye statisticheskoye agenstvo pri pravitel’stve Respubliki Tadzhikistan, 1999-2008.
Regiony Tadzhikistana: Statisticheskiy sbornik (Regions of Tajikistan: Statistical yearbook). Dushanbe: Gosudarstvennoye statisticheskoye agenstvo pri pravitel’stve Respubliki Tadzhikistan, 1999, 2004.
Sel’skoye Khoziaystvo Tadzhikistana (Agriculture of Tajikistan: Statistical yearbook). Dushanbe: Gosudarstvennoye statisticheskoye agenstvo pri pravitel’stve Respubliki Tadzhikistan, Tsentr strategicheskikh issledovanii pri prezidente Tadzhikistana. Statisticheskiy Sbornik, 1999-2008.
Sovetskii Tadzhikistan za 50 Let: Sbornik Statisticheskikh Materialov (Fifty Years of Soviet Tajikistan: Collection of Statistical Material). Dushanbe: Irfon, 1975.
Soyuznyye respubliki: Osnovnyye ekonomicheskiye i sotsial’nyye pokazateli (The Union Republics: Basic Economic and Social Indicators). Moscow: Informatsionno-izdatel’skiy tsentr Goskomstata SSSR, 1991.
Tadzhikistan: Fakty i tsifry. Statisticheskoye obozrenie (Tajikistan: Facts and numbers. A statistical survey). Dushanbe: Gosudarstvennoye statisticheskoye agenstvo pri pravitel’stve Respubliki Tadzhikistan, 1999.
Tadzhikistan: 15 let gosudarstvennoi nezavisimosti. Statisticheskiy Sbornik (Tajikistan: 15 years of State Independence. Collection of Statistical Data). Dushanbe: Gosudarstvennoye statisticheskoye agenstvo pri pravitel’stve Respubliki Tadzhikistan, 2006.
Tajikistan: Country Report, March 2004. London: Economist Intelligence Unit, 2004
Tajikistan: Country Report, 2005. London: Economist Intelligence Unit, 2005.
Vneshneekonomicheskaya deyatel’nost’ respubliki Tadzhikistan; Statisticheskii sbornik (Foreign Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan). Dushanbe: Gosudarstvennoye statisticheskoye agenstvo pri pravitel’stve Respubliki Tadzhikistan, 2004.
Travel and Description
Bradley, Mayhew. Central Asia. Lonely Planet, 2007.
Chichmanova, Patricia. Asie Centrale. Le Petit Futé, 2007.
Frith, Maier. Trekking in Russia and Central Asia. Mountaineers Books, 1997.
Middleton, Robert; Hauser, Markus; Thomas, Huw and Whitlock, Monica. Tajikistan and the High Pamirs: A Companion and Guide. Odyssey Publications, 2008.
Travel through Tajikistan. Dushanbe: Status, 2006.
Vambery, Arminius. Travels in Central Asia. 1865. Reprint, New York: Arno, 1970.
———. Sketches of Central Asia: Additional Chapters on My Travels, Adventures, and on the Ethnology of Central Asia. London: W. H. Allen, 1868.
Wood, John. A Journey to the Source of the River Oxus. 1872. Reprint, New York: Oxford University Press, 1976.
Maps, Atlases, and Guides
Afghanistan – Pakistan – Tajikistan. Gizi Map.
Atlas Tadzhikskoy Sovetskoy Sotsialisticheskoy Respubliki (Atlas of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic). Dushanbe-Moscow: Glavnoye upravlenie geodezii i kartografii SSSR, 1968.
Central Asia. Nelles Map.
Frye, R., and E. Naby. Tajikistan 1994. Benson: Chalidze Publications, 1994.
Tajikistan: 500K Regional Maps. Gecko Maps (formerly Karto-Atelier).
Bartold, V. V. Istoria culturnoy zhizni Turkestana (The history of the cultural life of Turkestan). Leningrad, 1927.
Istoria kul’turnogo stroitel’stva v Tadzhikistane (1917-1977) (The History of Cultural Construction in Tajikistan, 1917-1977). Dushanbe: Donish, 1979.
Shakuri, Muhammadjon (Shukurov Mauhammadjon). Istiqlol va khudshinosii ijtimoivu ma’navi (Independence and Shaping of Social and Spiritual Identities). Dushanbe: Oli Somon, 1999.
Shukurov M. R. Istoria kul’tunoi zhizni Sivetskogo Tadzhikistana (1917-1941) (The history of cultural life of Soviet Tajikistan in 1917-1941). Dushanbe, Donish, 1970.
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Conroy, Joseph. Tajik-English/English-Tajik Dictionary & Phrasebook. Hippocrene Books, 1998.
Farhangi Zaboni Tojiki (Dictionary of the Tajik language). Vols. 1–2. Moscow: Sovetskaya Entsyklopedia, 1969.
Frank, Allen J. and Mamatov, Jahangir. Dictionary of Central Asian Islamic Terms. Dunwoody Press, 2002.
Jilani, Jon. Practical Dictionary: Tajik-English/English-Tajik. Hippocrene Books, 2008.
Ensiklopediyai Sovetii Tojik (Soviet Tajik Encyclopedia). Vols.1-8. Dushanbe: Sarredaktsiyai ilmii ensiklopediyai Sovetii Tojik, 1978-1987.
Mamatov, Jahangir; Harrell, S.J. and Kehoe, Kathy. Tajik-English Dictionary. Springfield, VA: Dunwoody Press, 2005.
Mukhtorov, A. and Egani, A. Tadzhiksko–Russkiy slovar’ po istorii (Tajik–Russian Historical Dictionary). Dushanbe: Donish, 1986.
Russko–Tadzhikskiy slovar’ (Russian–Tajik Dictionary). Moscow-Stalinabad: Gosizdat, 1949.
Tursunov, Naim. Kratkii russko-tadzhikskii slovar’ pedagogicheskikh terminov (Short Russo–Tajik Dictionary of Pedagogical Terms). Dushanbe: Donish, 1979.
Akhrorov, A. Tadzhikskoye kino, 1929–1969 (Tajik cinema in 1929–1969). Dushanbe: Donish, 1971.
Ashrafi, M. M. Persidsko-tadzhikskaya poeziya v miniatiurakh 14–17 vekov: Iz sobranii SSSR (Tajik–Persian Poetry in 14th–17th Centuries’ Miniatures. From the USSR Depositories). Dushanbe: Irfon, 1974.
Iskusstvo Tadzhikskoy SSR (Arts in the Tajik SSR). Leningrad: Album, 1972.
Chvyr’, L. A. Tadzhikskie iuvelirnye ukrasheniia: Materialy k istoriko–kul’turnomu raionirovaniiu Tadzhikistana (Tajik Jewelry: Materials on Historical and Cultural Mapping of Tajikistan). Moscow: Nauka, 1977.
Nurjonov, Nizom. Dramai Khalqii Tojik (Tajik Peoples’ Drama). Dushanbe: Donish, 1985.
———. Teatral’naya i muzykal’naya zhizn’ stolitsy gosudarstva Samanidov (XIX-XX vv.) (Drama and Music in the Capital City of the Samanids in 19-20 centuries), Dushanbe, 2001.
Ocherki o khudozhnikakh Tadzhkistana (Essays about Artists of Tajikistan). Dushanbe: Donish, 1975.
Rice, T. T. Ancient Arts of Central Asia. New York: Praeger, 1965.
Zhivopis drevnego Pendzhikenta (Painting of the Ancient Panjakent). Moscow: Izdatelstvo Akademii Nauk, 1954.
Language and Script
Ayni, Sadriddin. “Mas’alahoi zaboni Tojiki” (Problems of the Tajik language). Kulliyot 11, no. 2 Dushanbe, 1964.
Clifton, John M., ed. Studies in languages of Tajikistan. Dushanbe and St. Petersburg: National State University of Tajikistan and North Eurasia Group, SIL International. 2005.
Dodykhudoev, Rahim. Materialy po istoricheskoy phonetike shugnanskogo yazyka (Materials on Historical Phonetics of the Shughni Language). Dushanbe: Vazorati maorifi khalqii RSS Tojikiston, universiteti davlatii Tojikiston ba nomi V. I. Lenin, 1962.
Khojayori, Nasrullo. Tajiki: An Elementary Textbook. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 2006.
Khromov, A. L. Yagnobskiy Yazyk (The Yaghnobi Language). Dushanbe: Donish, 1972.
Rastorgueva, V. S. A Short Sketch of Tajik Grammar. Translated and edited by Herbert H. Paper. Bloomington: Indiana University; The Hague, Netherlands: Mouton, 1963.
Perry, John R. A Tajik Persian Reference Grammar. Leiden: Brill, 2005.
Rozenfeld, A. Z. Badakhshanskiye govory tadzhikskogo yazyka (Badakhshani Dialects of the Tajik Language). Leningrad: Izdatel’stvo Leningradskogo universiteta, 1971.
Shorish, Mobin M. “Planning by Decree: The Soviet Language Policy in Central Asia.” Language Problems and Language Planning. Vol. 8, no. 1. Spring 1984.
Landau, Jacob M. and Kellner-Heinkele, Barbara. Politics of Language in the Ex-Soviet Muslim States: Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan. University of Michigan Press. 2001.
Adibov, A., and A. Afsakhzod. Az tarikhi adabieti tojik dar Badakhshon: Asri XIX va avvali asri XX (From the History of Tajik Literature in Badakhshon: Nineteenth Century and the Beginning of the Twentieth Century). Dushanbe: Donish, 1971.
Ayni, Sadriddin. Namunahoi adabiyoti tojik (Examples of the Tajik literature). Moscow, 1925.
———. Alisher Navoi (Alisher Navoi). Stalinobod: Nashriyoti Davlatii Tojik, 1948.
———. Mirzo Abdulqodiri Bedil (Mirzo Abdulqadir Bedil). Dushanbe: Nashriyoti Davlatii Tojik, 1954.
———.Ustod Rudaki. Epoch, Life and Activity. Moscow, 1959.
———. Margi sudkhur (The Death of Moneylender). Kulliyot. Vol. 4. Dushanbe: 1961.
Becka, Jiri. “Literature and Men of Letters in Tajikistan.” Journal of Turkish Studies 18, 1994).
———. “On the Friendship between a Tajik Poet and a Czech Doctor in Bukhara in 1918–1920.” Archiv Orientalni (Czechoslovakia) 54, no. 3, 1986.
———. Sadriddin Ayni: Father of Modern Tajik Culture. Naples: Instituto Universitario Orientale Seminario di Studi Asiatici, 1980.
———. “The Tajik Soviet Doston and Mirzo Tirsunzoda: On the Sixty-fifth Birth Anniversary of the Poet.” Archiv Orientalni (Czechoslovakia) 44, no. 3, 1976.
Berg, Gabrielle Rachel van den. Minstrel Poetry from the Pamir Mountains: a Study on the Songs and Poems of the Ismailis of Tajik Badakhshan. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2004.
Encyclopedia persidsko–tadzhikskoy prozy (Encyclopedia of Persian–Tajik prose). Dushanbe: Glavnaya nauchnaya redaktsia sovetskoy entsyclopedii, 1986.
Hakim, Askar. “The River Was Once a Drop of Water: Tajik Poetry in the Past Six Years.” World Literature Today, summer 1996.
Hodizoda, Rasul, et al. Adabiyati Tojik dar nimai duiumi asri XVIII va avvali asri XIX (Tajik Literature in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century and the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century). Dushanbe: Donish, 1974.
———. Poety Tadzhikistana (Poets of Tajikistan). Leningrad: Sovetskii pisatel’ Leningradskoe otdelenie, 1972.
Huseinzoda, Sh. Guftor az ganji sukhan (Samples from the Literary Treasure). Dushanbe: Irfon, 1985.
Naby, Eden. “Bobodzhon Gafurovich Gafurov, 1908–1977.” Slavic Review, June 1978.
Perry, John R. “Tajik Literature: Seventy Years is Longer Than the Millennium (Literatures of Central Asia).” World Literature Today, summer 1996.
Rahmatova, Salomat. Vohidhoi Khulosakunanda dar zaboni adabii hozirai tojik (Summary Points on the Contemporary Tajik Literary Language). Dushanbe: Donish, 1976.
Rypka, Jan. History of Iranian Literature. D. Reidel, 1968.
Sattorzoda, Abdunabi. Chahor-kitob (Four Books). Dushanbe: Adib, 1990.
Babadzhanov A. Sportivnyi Vek Tadzhikistana. (A Century of Tajikistan’s Sport) Dushanbe, 1998.
Mahmadrasulov B. Vydaiyshiesia mastera sporta Tadzhikistana (The Prominent Sportsmen of Tajikistan). Dushanbe, 2000.
Rasulzade B. Tadzhikistan Olimpiiski (The Olympic Tajikistan). Dushanbe: Paivand, 1996.
During, Jean. Tajik Music of Badakhshan: Musique Tadjike du Badakhshan. Auvidis, Ivry-sur-Seine, 1993. Sound disc, 79 mins.
Levin, Theodore Craig. The Hundred Thousand Fools of God: Musical Travels in Central Asia. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996.
Music of Central Asia: Tadjikistan. Tokyo: King Records and Seven Seas, 1992. Sound disc, 57 min.
Nizomov, Asliddin. Tarikh va nazariyai shashmaqom (History and Theory of Shashmaqom)
Dushanbe : Irfon, 2003.
Rajabov, Askarali and Abdurashidov, Abduvali. Bayozi shashmaqom (Anthology of Shashmaqom). Dushanbe: Kontrast, 2008.
Bliss, Frank; Pacult, Nicola and Guss, Sonia. Social and Economic Change in the Pamirs (Gorno-Badakhshan, Tajikistan). Routledge, 2006.
Country Report. Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan. London : Economist Intelligence Unit, 1998.
Dowling, Malcolm and Wignaraja, Ganeshan. Central Asia’s Economy: Mapping Future Prospects to 2015. Silk Road Paper. July 2006. Available at: http://www.silkroadstudies.org/new/docs/Silkroadpapers/0607Wignaraja.pdf
Gerhard, Hans and Warwick, Kenneth (eds.) International Monetary Fund. Tajikistan. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund Publication Services, 1992.
Giannias, D. A., et al. “Index-Based Regional Analysis: The Case of the Former Soviet Union and Russia.” Economics of Planning 33, no. 1–2, 2000.
Gleason, Gregory. Markets and Politics in Central Asia: Structural Reform and Political Change. New York: Routledge. 2003.
Gurgen, Emine, et al. Economic Reforms in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. 183 Occasional Paper. International Monetary Fund, 1999.
Lubin, Nancy. Labour and Nationality in Soviet Central Asia: An Uneasy Compromise. London: Macmillan, 1984.
Olimova, Saodat and Bosc, Igor. Labour Migration from Tajikistan Dushanbe: Mission of the International Organization for Migration, 2003.
Pomfret, Richard W. T. The Economies of Central Asia. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2006.
Rumer, Boris. Central Asia: The Challenge of Independence. Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 1998.
———. Central Asia and the New Global Economy: The Year 2000 and Beyond. Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 2000.
Tajikistan: Country Report, March 2004. London: Economist Intelligence Unit, 2004
Tajikistan: Country Report, 2005. London: Economist Intelligence Unit, 2005.
Usmon, Davlat. Tajikistan Investment Projects. Dushanbe, 1998.
Vneshneekonomicheskaya deyatel’nost’ respubliki Tadzhikistan; Statisticheskii sbornik (Foreign Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan. Collection of Statistical Data). Dushanbe: Statistics Agency, 2004.
Adshead, Samuel Adrian M. Central Asia in World History. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993.
Brinton, William M. An Abridged History of Central Asia. 1998. Available on-line at: http://www.asian-history.com/the_frame.html
Ghafurov, Bobojon. Ta’rikhi mukhtasari khalqi tojik (Brief History of Tajik People). Vol. 1. Stalinobad: Gosizdat, 1947.
——— . Istoria Tadzhikskogo naroda (History of the Tajik people). Vols. 1–3. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo vostochnoi literatury, 1963–1965.
———. Tojikon: Ta’rikhi qadimtarin, qadim, asri miyona va davrai nav (The Tajiks: Early Ancient, Ancient, Medieval, and Modern History). Vols. 1–2. Dushanbe: Irfon, 1998.
Istoria Tadzhikskogo naroda (History of the Tajik People). Vols. 1, 2, 5 Dushanbe: Donish, 1997-1998.
Kolarz, Walter. Russia and Her Colonies. Hamden, Conn.: Archon, 1967.
Rakowska-Harmstone, Teresa. Russia and Nationalism in Central Asia: Case of Tajikistan. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1970.
Pre-Islamic Period
Bartold, V. V. “O khristianstve v Turkestane v domongolskiy period” (On Christianity in Turkestan in pre-Mongol period). Zapiski Vostochnogo Otdelenia Russkogo Archeologicheskogo Obshchestva 8, no. 1–2, 1893.
Central Asia in the Kushan Period: Proceedings of the International Conferences. Vols. 1-2. Moscow: Nauka, 1975.
Holt, Frank. Alexander the Great and Bactria: The Formation of a Greek Frontier in Central Asia. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1988.
Mukhtorov, Ahror. Epigraficheskie pamiatniki Kukhistana (Epigraphical Relicts of Kuhistan). Dushanbe: Donish, 1978.
Piankov, I. V. Bakrtia v antichnoy traditsii (Bactria in Antique Traditions). Dushanbe: Donish, 1982.
Ranov, V. A. Kamenny vek Tadzhikistana (Tajikistan’s Stone Age). Dushanbe: Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, 1965.
Trinkaus, E., et al. “Middle Paleolithic Human Deciduous Incisor from Khudji, Tajikistan.” Journal of Human Evolution, April 2000, 575–83.
Islamic Period
Amir, Olimkhon. Ta’rikhi Huzn al-Millal-i Bukhoro (The History of Wounded Bukhara). Tehran: Markaz-i Mutole’ot-i Iron, 1994.
Ayni, Sadriddin. “Eddoshtho” (Memoirs). Kulliyot. Vols 6–7. Dushanbe, 1962–1963.
———. Is’yoni Muqanna: Ocherki ta’rikhi-tadqiqoti (The Muqanna’s Mutiny: The Historical Essay). Stalinobod: Redaktsiyai ta’rikhi tojikon va Tojikiston, 1944.
———. “Ta’rikhi Amironi Manghytiai Bukhoro” (The History of the Bukharan Manghyts). Kulliyot. Vol. 10. Dushanbe, 1966.
———. Ta’rikhi Inqilobi Bukhoro (The History of Bukharan Revolution). Dushanbe: Adib, 1987.
———. Yaddashtha. Tehran: Agah Publisher, 1983.
Baljuvoni, Muhammadali ibn Muhammad Sayyid. Tarikh-i Nofe’-i (The Instructive History). Dushanbe: Irfon, 1994.
Barfield, Thomas J. The Central Asian Arabs of Afghanistan: Pastoral Nomadism in Transition. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1981.
Bartold, V.V. Four Studies on the History of Central Asia. 3 Vols. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1956-1962.
———. Turkestan Down to the Mongol Invasion. London: Oxford University Press, 1928.
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Becker, Seymour. Russia’s Protectorates in Central Asia: Bukhara and Khiva, 1865–1924. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1968.
Burnes, Alexander Sir. Travels into Bokhara. London: Murray, 1834.
Burton, Audrey. The Bukharans: A Dynastic, Diplomatic, and Commercial History, 1550–1702. New York: St. Martin’s, 1997.
Bregel, Yuri. “Notes of the Study of Central Asia.” Vostok 5-6, 1997.
Canfield, Robert L., ed. Turko–Persia in Historical Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Chekhovich, O. D. Samarkandskie Dokumenty XV–XVI vv. (The Samarqand Documents, 15-16 centuries). Moscow: Nauka, 1974.
Defremery, Charles F. Histoire des Samanides: A.D 892–999 par Mirkhond (Mohammad ibn Khwand-Shah ibn Mahmoud). Amsterdam: Oriental, 1974.
Donish, Ahmad. Istoria Mangitskoy Dinastii (History of the Manghyt Dynasty). Dushanbe: Donish, 1967.
Frye, Richard N. Bukhara: The Medieval Achievement. Costa Mesa, Calif.: Mazda, 1996.
———. The History of Bukhara; Translated from a Persian Abridgement of the Arabic Original by Narshakh’i. Cambridge, Mass.: Mediaeval Academy of America, 1954.
Gafurov, Bobojon. Central Asia: Pre-historic to Pre-Modern Times. Delhi; Maulana Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata, Shipra Publications. 2 Vols. 2005.
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Gibb. H.A.R. The Arab Conquest in Central Asia. London: Royal Asiatic Society, 1923.
Holdsworth, Mary. Turkestan in the Nineteenth Century: A Brief History of the Khanates of Bukhara, Khokand, and Khiva. London: Oxford Press, 1959.
Khalfin, N.A. Politika Rossii v Srendei Azii (1857-1868) (Russia’ Central Asian Politics in 1857-1868). Moscow: Nauka, Izdatel’stvo vostochnoi literatury, 1960.
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Litvinskii, B. A. Srednevekovaia kultura Tokharistana v svete raskopok v Vakhshskoi doline (Medieval Culture of Tokharistan in the Light of Excavations in the Vakhsh Valley). Moscow: Nauka, 1985.
———. Tepai–shakh: kultura i sviazi Kushanskoi Baktrii (Teppai-Shah: Culture and Relations of Kushan Bactria). Moscow: Nauka, Izdatel’stvo vostochnoi literatury, 1983.
Logofet, L. N. Bukharskoye khanstvo pod russkim protektoratom (The Bukharan Khanate under Russian Protectorate). St. Petersburg: V. Berezovsky, 1911.
Mashitskii, A. “K istorii revolyutsii v Bukhare (History of the Revolution in Bukhara).” Vestnik Narodnogo Komissariata Inostrannykh Del 6, July 1921.
McChesney, R. D. Waqf in Central Asia. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1991.
Meyendorf, Georges. Voyage d’Orenbourg à Boukhara, fait en 1820, à travers les steppes qui s’étendent à l’est de la mer d’Aral et au-delà de l’ancien Jaxartes. Paris: Dondey-Dupru, 1826.
Olufsen, O. The Emir of Bokhara and His Country. Copenhagen 1911.
Paquier, J.B. Le Pamir: Etude de Gйographie Physique et Historique sur L’Asie Centrale. Maisonneuve et Cie, Paris 1876.
Postnikov A. V. Skhvatka na “Kryshe mira.”Politiki, razvedchiki i geography v bor’be za Pamir v XIX veke (Struggle on the “Roof of the World”: Politicians, Spies and Geographers in the Contest for the Pamir in the XIX century). Moscow 2001.
Schuyler, E. Turkistan: Notes of a Journey in Russian Turkistan, Khokand, Bukhara, and Kuldja. New York: Scibner Armstrong, 1876.
Pierce, Richard. Russian Central Asia 1867-1917: A Study in Colonial Rule. Berkley, California and Los Angeles, California: University of California Press, 1960.
Skrine, Francis Henry and Edward, Denison Ross. The Heart of Asia: A History of Russian Turkestan and the Central Asian Khanates from Earliest Times, London 1899.
Trotter, J.M. Central Asia, Part VI: Khanate of Bokhara. Calcutta: Government of India Publication, 1873.
Vambery, Armin. History of Bukhara. New York: Arno, 1973.
Wheeler, Geoffrey. The Modern History of Soviet Central Asia. London: Weidenfelf and Nicolson, 1964.
Wolff, Joseph. Narrative of a mission to Bokhara. London, 1845
Soviet Period
Abdullaev, Kamoludin. “Central Asian Émigrés in Afghanistan: First Wave (1918–1932).” Central Asia Monitor 1, no. 4, 1994.
———. “Central Asian Émigrés in Afghanistan: First Wave (1918–1932).” Central Asia Monitor 2, no. 5, 1994.
Allworth, Edward, ed. Central Asia: A Century of Russian Rule. New York: Columbia University Press, 1967.
———. Nationalities of the Soviet East: Publications and Writing Systems. New York: Columbia University Press, 1971.
Atkin, Muriel. The Subtlest Battle: Islam in Soviet Tajikistan. Philadelphia: Foreign Policy Research Institute, 1989.
Bacon, Elizabeth E. Central Asia under Russian Rule. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1966.
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Internet Resources (as of May 2009)
1. Country Profile and Reference
Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States on Tajikistan
Country guide
U.S. Department of State on Tajikistan
The World Gazetteer, Tajikistan
Nationmaster, Tajikistan
CIA -The World Factbook, Tajikistan
The Library of Congress Country Studies: Tajikistan
2. General Information and Legislature
Law of the Republic of Tajikistan: A Guide to Web Based Resources. By Oleg Stalbovskiy and Maria Stalbovskaya
Tajikistan Country Specific Information
International Labor Organization NATLEX, Tajikistan
Legislation Tajikistan
Doing Business Law Library, Tajikistan
Law of the Republic of Tajikistan: A Guide to Web Based Resources
Constitution of The Republic of Tajikistan Dushanbe 1994
3. Intergovernmental and International Organizations
United Nation Development Program in Tajikistan
UN Tajikistan Information Platform
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Office in Tajikistan
Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Tajikistan
World Bank in Tajikistan
The Collective Security Treaty (CST)
International Crisis Group, Tajikistan
The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN)
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Tajikistan homepage
4. Tajik Government and Parliament
The official site of President of Tajikistan
Majlisi Melli (upper chamber)
Majlisi Namoyandagon (lower chamber)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Economy and Trade
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Health Care
State Statistics Agency
Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Ministry of Transportation and Communication
Agency on Combating Corruption and Economic Crimes
Ministry of Environmental Protection
Ministry of Education
Anti-Monopoly Committee
Ministry of Transport and Communication
Ministry of Energy
State Committee on Investments and State Property
State Committee on Statistics
Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Drug Control Agency
Dushanbe City Administration
5. Tajik Banks
National Bank of Tajikistan
Tajik Sodirot Bank
Bank Eskhata
6. Diplomatic Missions
Tajikistan Embassy to the U.S.
Russian Embassy to Tajikistan
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tajikistan to the United Nations
Tajikistan Embassy to Austria
7. Libraries
Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences
8. Insurance Companies, Legal Groups
LEX private law firm
This Party Arbitration Court
Legal Consulting Group law firm
9. Education and Science
Tajik National University
Russian-Tajik Slavonic University
Technological University
10. Information and Analysis on Tajikistan
Maps of Central Asia
Central Asia Voices. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Central Asia Regional information, Indiana University
The United States Institute of Peace. Peace Agreements Digital Collection, Tajikistan
Open Society Institute, Tajikistan
Harvard Forum for Central Asian Studies
Kamoludin Abdullaev and Catherine Barnes Politics of Compromise. The Tajikistan Peace Process
Central Asia News.Net
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
International Crisis Group
International Eurasian Institute for Economic and Political Research
The Tajikistan Update
United Nation Convention to Combat Desertification: Tajikistan
Sarez Lake site
11. News and Analysis Online International
BBC on Tajikistan
Radio Free Europe
Tajik Gateway
Tajikistan News.net, part of an international network
Eurasianet.org Tajikistan
Inside Tajikistan
Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst, The Johns Hopkins University
Transition online, Tajikistan
Institute on War and Peace Reporting
EIN News: Tajikistan
One World News
International Crisis Group on Tajikistan
Relief Web: Tajikistan
Tajikistan Development Gateway
Topix: Tajikistan
Ozodi Tajik Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Tajik Service in Tajik
The Times of Central Asia
12. Tajik Information and Analytical Agencies and Portals
Asia-Plus Media Group in Tajik, Russian and English
Avesta independent news agency. In Tajik, Russian and English
Charkhi Gardun media group. In Tajik and Russian
Tajinfo Tajik Media Holding. Tajiks of Russia. In Russian
Ariana. All about Tajikistan. In Russian
National Association of Independent Mass-Media of Tajikistan NANSMIT. In Russian and English
Khujand-based Varorud Informational-Analytical Agency. In Tajik, Russian and English
Tajnet Telecomm Technology. In Russian
Khovar National Information Agency of Tajikistan. In Tajik, Russian and English
All-Russian Societal Movement “Tajik Labor Migrants.” In Russian
Union of Tajikistanis. In Russian
Millat independent socio-political site. In Tajik
Tajikistan Online Forum. In Russian
Who Is Who in Tajikistan. In Russian
History of Tajiks. In Russian
Our Tajikistan. In Russian
Tajikistan Blogs. In English
The Yaghnobi people: their language, history and culture. In English
13.Tajikistan Airlines and Travel
Tajik Air
Tajikistan travel
14. Pictures
Historical Pictures of Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii (late 19th-early 20th centuries)
A photographic journey through Central Asia