List of Publications


Historical Dictionary of Tajikistan, Second Edition. In co-authorship with Shahram Akbarzaheh. Lanham-Toronto-Plymouth, UK: The Scarecrow Press Inc., 2010.

Ot Sintsiana do Khorasana. Iz Istorii Sredneaziatskoi Emigratsii 20 veka. (From Xinjiang to Khurasan. From the History of the 20th Century Central Asian Emigration). Dushanbe: Irfon, 2009.

What Peace Five Years After the Signing of the Tajik Peace Agreement? Strategic Conflict Assessment and Peace Building Framework, Tajikistan. In co-authorship with Sabine Frasier. Brussels: The UK Government Global Conflict Prevention Pool., December 2003.

Naskol’ko Prochen Mir v Tadzhikistane? Piat Let Spustia Posle Podpisania Soglashenia. Strategicheskaya Otsenka Konflikta i Osnovnye Napravlenia Mirnogo Stroitelstva v Tadzhikistane (Strategic Conflict Assessment and Peace Building Framework, Tajikistan). In co-authorship with Sabine Frasier. Interdepartmental Global Conflict Prevention Pool (GCPP), Department for International Development (DFID) Dushanbe, 2003.

Politics of Compromise: The Tajikistan Peace Process. Ed. with Catherine Barnes. London: Conciliation Resources, 2001.

Politika kompromissa. Mirny protsess v Tadzhikistane (Politics of Compromise: The Tajikistan Peace Process) Ed. with Catherine Barnes. London: Conciliation Recourses, 2001.

Historical Dictionary of Tajikistan. With co-authorship of Shahram Akbarzadeh. The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Lanham, Md., & London, 2002.

Oruzhiem Pechatnogo Slova (With the Weapon of the Printed Word). Dushanbe: Donish, 1989.

Po Puti Velikogo Oktiabria (On the Way of the Great October). Ed. Dushanbe: Donish, 1988.


Electronic books:

Another Jihad in Central Asia? The Conflict in Afghanistan and Pakistan and its Impact on Central Asia



National and Muslim Movements in 20th Century Central Asia. Yale, 2001-2002


Book chapters, articles and media interviews:

Tret’ya grazhdanskaya voina v Tadzhikistanr mozhet doiti do ulits Moskvy (The Third Tajik Civil War may reach streets of Moscow) REGNUM: (Interview in Russian)

Zapreshenie PIVT stanet olshoi oshibkoi (The IRPT ban may become a big mistake) (Interview in Russian)

“Repairing Broken Tajik-Uzbek Relationship” Institute for War and Peace Reporting 2012

“Zarazen li jihad? Konflikt v Iyzhnoi Azii i ego Vlianie na Musulman Srednei Azii” (Contagious Jihad? The Conflict in Southern Asia and its Impact on the Muslims of Central Asia) 22.10.2011

“The FerghanaValley Under Stalin, 1929-1953”, with Ravshan Nazarov. Ferghana Valley: The Heart of Central Asia Edited by: S. Frederick Starr. M. E. Sharpe, Inc., Armonk, New York, 2011.

“Soviet Rule and the Delineation of Borders in the Ferghana Valley, 1917-1939”, with Sergey Abashin, Ravshan Abdullaev and Arslan Koichiev. Ferghana Valley: The Heart of Central Asia Edited by: S. Frederick Starr. M. E. Sharpe, Inc., Armonk, New York, 2011.

“Ma Dzhunin –“Bol’shoi Kon’” i belye armii v vostavshem Sintsiane” (Ma Chuhg-ying – “Big Horse” and the White Armies in Mutinous Xinjiang).

“Smert’ ‘letuchego gollandtsa Vostoka.” (The Death of “Flying Dutchman” of Orient)

“Poslednii Mangyt” (The Last Manghyt).

“Napoleon iz Lakaya” (Napoleon from Lokai)

“Conflict Resolution in Tajikistan” Hans-Jorg Albrecht/Jan-Michael Simon/Hassan Rezaei/Holger-C. Rohne/Ernesto Kiza. Conflicts and Conflict Resolution in Middle Eastern Societies – Between Tradition and Modernity. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2006. 307-317.

“Integrating Political Islam in Central Asia: The Tajik Experience”, Rouben Azizian and Elizabeth Van Wie Davis (eds.). Islam, Oil, and Geopolitics. Central Asia after September 11. Lanham Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2006, 61-77.

“Emir Amanulla i Sovetskaya Srednyaya Azia” (Emir Amanullah and Soviet Central Asia) Afganistan i Bezopasnost’ Tsentralnoy Azii, vypusk 2. Bishkek: Ilim, 2005. 59-81.

“Varlordy i rekonstriktsiya Afghanistana” (Warlords and Reconstruction in Afghanistan) Afganistan i Bezopasnost’ Tsentralnoy Azii, vypusk 1. Bishkek: Ilim, 2004.88-102.

“Current Local Government Policy Situation in Tajikistan”, Tajikistan at a Crossroad: The Politics of Decentralization. Ed. Luigi de Martino. Cimera Publications, January 2004 Situation Report 4, 7-16.

“State, Islam, and Opposition in Central Asia”, Stumbling but Struggling. Political Opposition in Four Post-Soviet Countries. Edited by Romana Careja. Moscow: Strategy, 2004 pp.137-162.

“An Uneasy Move towards Democracy: Opposition Development in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan (in co-authorship with Elvira Mamytova)”, Stumbling but Struggling. Political Opposition in Four Post-Soviet Countries. Edited by Romana Careja. Moscow: Strategy, 2004 pp. 214-223.

“Warlordism and Development in Afghanistan”, Beyond Reconstruction In Afghanistan. Lessons from Development Experience. Edited by John D. Montgomery and Dennis A. Rondinelli. New York: Palgrave Mcmillan, 2004.

“The Tajik Peace Process: Its Accomplishments and Limitations,” Ajiken World Trend April 2002. In co-authorship with Tetsuro Iji. Orig in Japan.

”White Basmachis” or the exploits of the White Russians in Western China in 1920-1934”, Russia, Siberia, and Central Asia: Interrelation of Peoples and Cultures. 2002. The proceedings of Third international conference. Ed. by V. S. Boyko, Barnaul, BSPU, 2001

“Regional Cooperation and Stability- A View from Tajikistan.” NATO Economic Colloquium, Bucharest, 2001, pp.  240-248

”Tajikistan-Political System,” ”Tajikistan-History”, “Tajikistan- Profile” “Kalym” (4 articles) Encyclopedia of Asia. Berkshire, 2002.

“Na burannom polustanke: Tsentralnaya Azia v poiskakh tsivilizatsionnoy identichnosti” (On the Windy Crossroad: The Central Asia in Search of the Civilization Identity), Tadzhikistan-Rossia: problemy bezopasnosti v Tsentralnoy Azii. Materially mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii. Dushanbe: TsSI, 2001, 65-67.

“K istorii sredneaziatskoy  emigratsii 1918-1934 gg.” (On the History of the Central Asian Emigration), Rol’ Rossii v stanovlenii tadzhikskoy gosudarstvennosti (1917-1929)Dushanbe: TsSI, 2000, 94-101.

Russia and Asia. The Emerging Security Agenda. Ed. by G. Chufrin. SIPRI. N.Y., OxfordUniversity Press, 1999, 534 p. A book review. Moscow, Vostok, N 6, 2000, pp.170-175.

“Challenges to Tajikistan’s Higher Education,” Central Asian      Journal of Economic, Management and Social Research Premier Issue (January 2000), 103-108.

”L’universalisme contre l’ethnonationalisme: sur la voie de I’unite spirituelle des peuples de l’Asie centrale,” La Lettre d’Asie centrale, N.7-printemps 1998, 14-15. Orig in French.

“Tajikistan: System of Higher Education”,  Encyclopedia of Higher Education and International Encyclopedia of Education 2nd edn on CD-Rom. London: Elsevier Science Limited,  PERGAMON PRESS, 1997.

“The Civil War in Tajikistan”, Peace and Policy. Journal of the Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research Vol.3, l.1 (Spring 1998).17-19.

“Peace Process, Conflict Management and Civil Society Building”, Asia-plus, No.16, 1997.

“Localizm (mahalgaroi) i conflict v Tadzhikistane v osveshchenii zapadnykh avtorov” (Localism [mahalgaroi] and Conflict in Tajikistan in Writings of the Western Authors), Mahalgaroi va Rohhoi Bartaraf  Kardani On. Dushanbe, 1997. 122-131. Orig. in Tajik.

“Ethnicity and Human Rights Within the Context of Modern Development”, The First Tajik Society Forum, Dushanbe, 1996. 25-27.

“Ethnicity and Human Rights in the Modern Tajikistan”, Asia-Plus, No.8, 1996.

“Central Asian Émigrés in Afghanistan: First Wave (1918-1932)”, Central Asia Monitor, No.4, No.5, (1994) 28-32 and 16-27.

“Sarguzashti Muhojironi Bukhoro dar Afghoniston(solhoi 1920-1931)” (The Adventures of Bukharan Emigres in Afghanistan 1920-1931), Akhbori Akademiai  ilmhoi Jumhurii Tojikiston. Silsilai sharqshinosi, ta’rikh, filologia. No.3, (1992). Orig. in Tajik.

“Bukharskaya  poslerevolutsionnaya emigratsia (k istoriografii problemi).(The Post-Revolutionary Bukharan Emigration. On the Historiography of the Problem), Oktiabrskaya Revolutsia v Srednei Azii i Kazakhstane: Teoria, Problemi, Perspektivi Izuchenia. Tashkent: Fan, 1991.

“Muhojironi Tojik. Justujui munosibathoi nav dar siyoisat va ideologiya” (The Tajik Muhojirs. In Search of New Approaches in Politics and Ideology) Sadoi Mardum, 1991, July 25. Orig. in Tajik

“Iz  istorii  bukharskoi poslerevolutsionnoi emigratsii. K istoriografii problemi” (The Post-revolutionary Bukharan Emigration. On Historiography of the Problem), Obshestvennye nauki v Uzbekistane, No.4, (1990).49-55.

Tadzhikskaya Leniniana. Encyclopedia  (4 articles) Dushanbe: Donish, 1990.

“NEP i nekotorie voprosi  likvidatsii basmachestva v 1921-1924 g.” (NEP-New Economic Policy- and Some Problems of Elimination of Basmachism in Central Asia in 1921-1924), Novaya Ekonomicheskaya Politika v Srednei Azii i Kazakhstane. Teoria, istoria, suzhdenia. Tashkent: Fan, 1989.116-122.

“Khazinai Amir Olimkhon kujo shud?” (Where Does Amir Alimkhan’s Treasury go?) Adabiyot va San’at, 1989, September 9. Orig. in Tajik.

“K voprosu ob ustanovlenii Sovetskoy vlasti v iuzhnom Tadzhikistane” (On the Issue of the Establishment of the Soviet Power in the Southern Tajikistan) Istoria Kuliaba v proshlom I nastoiashem. Kuliab, 19-20 marta 1988. Dushanbe: Donish, 1988.

“Gazety Sovetskogo Turkestana kak istochnik po istorii razgroma basmachestva v Khodzhentskom uezde” (The Soviet Turkestan’s Newspapers as a Historical Source on the Crash of Basmachism in Khujand District) Izvestia Akademii Nauk Tadzhikistana, Istoria № 2, 1987.

“Sredneaziatskaya emigratsia: kak eto bylo?” (Central Asian Emigration: How it Was?) Komsomolets  Tadzhikistana, 1989, July 9.

“K Voprosu o bor’be protiv  ideologicheskoi  kontrrevolutsii vo vremia grazhdanskoi voini v Srednei Azii.”(On the Struggle Against  Ideological Counter-Revolution During the Civil War in the Central Asia), Velikii  Oktiabr–Torzhestvo Idei Marksizma-leninizma. Materiali konferentsii. Moscow: Nauka, 1987.

“Nekotorie problemi istorii grazhdanskoi  voini v Srednei Azii” (Some Problems of the History  of the Civil War in Central Asia), Velikii Oktiabr v Istoricheskikh Sudbakh Tadjikskogo Naroda. Dushanbe: Irfon, 1987.

“K voprosu borbe protiv ideologicheskoi kontrrevoliutsii vo vremia grazhdanskoi voiny v Srendey Azii” (On the Struggle Against the Ideological Counterrevolution During Civil War in the Central Asia) Velikiy Oktiabr’ –  torzhestvo   idei marksizma-leninizma. Moscow: Nauka, 1987, 151-166.

“Ob Urokakh borbi s basmachestvom” (On the Lessons of the Struggle Against Basmachism), Velikii Oktiabr i obrazovanie SSSR v sovremennoi  ideologicheskoi bor’be, Frunze: Ilim, 1984. 233-239.

“Osobennosti politicheskoy raboty Kommunisticheskoi partii v massakh vo vremia borby s basmachestvom v Sredney Azii” (The Peculiarities of the Communist Party’s Political Work Among Masses During the Struggle Against Basmachism in Central Asia)  Pervaya konferentsiya molodykh uchenykh Srendey Azii. Dushanbe: Donish, 1984.

“Krasnoarmeiskaya pechat’ kak istochnik  po istorii likvidatsii basmachestva v Srednei Azii” (The Red Army’s Newspapers as a Historic Source on the Elimination of Basmachism in Central Asia), Istoria SSSR, No.1, 1983, 88-92.

“Gazeta “Turkestan” kak istochnik po istorii  likvidatsii basmachestva v Srednei Azii” (The “Turkestan” Newspaper as a Historic Source on the History of Elimination of Basmachism in Central Asia), Molodie Obchestvovedi Moskvi-Leninskomu iubileiu. Moscow, 1982.

“Otrazhenie borby s basmachestvom v periodicheskoy pechati Turkestana” (Reflection of the Struggle Against Basmachism in Turkestan’s Periodicals) Ufuqhoi Ilm, Vol. 4, 1982, 12-18.

“Gazeta ‘Ishtirokiun’ kak istochnik po istorii  likvidatsii basmachestva v Srednei Azii” (“Ishtirokiun” Newspaper as a Historic Source on the History of Elimination of Basmachism in Central Asia), Respublikanskaya nauchno-teoriticheskaya konferentsiya molodykh uchenykh, posviashennaya 110-letiu V. K. Lenina. Dushanbe, Donish,1980.